Hartridge Academy has received confirmation from the Florida Department of Education that we are a "high performing" charter school. Currently, all of our studnets qualify for free breakfast, lunch, and a meal during FREE afterschool tutoring.
This year, the majority of our students qualify for other services outside of school. Thus, we have also been deemed a Title I school which provides us with some additional funding for 2024 2025.. The majority of these funds have been budgeted to provide FREE after school tutoring and parent engagement.
Please find links to additional information below:
District Website https://polkschoolsfl.com
District Title I page https://polkschoolsfl.com/title1a
Hartridge School Improvement Plan 2023 2024 https://www/floridacims.org
or click here
Hartridge Academy is an Equal Opportunity Employee
Hartridge Parent Compact